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I hope you enjoy my blog...please honor copyrights!

Monday, November 3, 2014


Good Morning friends!

Today I am writing about the sunshine in my life. what brings me joy and rays of hope and brightens my day... please join me and share your sunshine in my comments!


Sunshine always warms my heart with gladness
Its rays extend beyond the surface of its warmth
Brilliantly with its bold and blazen strength
My life is filled with happiness because of sunshine.

Sunshine comes in many warming ways...
It awakens the still and quiet morning soul
And fills an empty cup of life with hope
Bringing new life through faith, love, and hope!

Sunshine rests upon you when you least expect it to...
Today I am thankful the Lord has blessed me even
Though in sadness with the loss of my husband
I am filled with Rays of hope from God's rays... of sunshine!

Poems My Way - Valrie 11/03/2014

Life Changes

Technically it is no longer Sunday but I am a night owl lately and I guess it really is Monday 11/3/2014.  Had a very busy day today down in Wilmington, NC! Daylight savings time always messes my system up more than it already is on its own accord. I was up at 4AM and that was that so was my cat Carmel. Found a Methodist Church and went to it, am so glad I did! Today was the first day since Mark died that I did not feel all alone and abandoned without hope. It was All Saints Day too and that brought tears to my eyes as of course Mark's passing away on 10/10/14 meant he became one of the saints for whom the bell was tolled. In addition it was also the 100th year Centennial and many celebrations took place. I went to Sunday school and met many new friends who then had me join them for the 11AM service. After that, there was a luncheon and so I ended up being invited to that as well and before I knew it it was 2PM and I was to be at my son's by 3PM! I made it without a minute to spare. I saw my adorable twin grand babies for the first time since April! Wow how much they have changed. Of course they are walking and running and into all sorts of mischief keeping their parents really busy. It was the best day ever seeing them and say son and his beautiful wife Laura. My nephew was there too so it was a small family reunion. Being a grandma is still rather new to me.... But I love it! the twins turned  1 this past July 29th but with Mark being so I'll we were jot able to make it down for their birthday! So this was only the fifth time I had seen my twinkles! I am so looking forward to moving here and being closer and more a part of their lives! I have several properties to visit later today and will hopefully sign a lease and be mived down from Alexandria VA by Thanksgiving, that is the plan and hope android fervent prayer! Well I best try to sleep some as today is almost here in another four hours it will be time to wake up and start the day! Good night and God Bless!
