Lost in the worries of my daily life
I reach into your hearts and ask for prayers...
I wander in my thoughts and seek guidance
I pray to be reproeved of sorrowful tears.
Pain consumes my day it terrorizes my night
I fight back diligently yet there is no end
I struggle to walk, to hide the grief deep inside
And my chest heaves powerful saddened sighs.
I know that Christ is there yet I cannot feel
The warmth of Heavenly light guiding
Me through my decisions and so make none
In fear that the wrong choice will be made...
I see not clearly a path to follow and walk
In clouded vision through my fears and dreams
No discernment in place or plan to rise above
And so my friends to you I come and pray...
Lift me up in your thoughts and prayers
Ask for guidance in all I am and shall be
To GOd alone let Him decide my fate this day -
In that I Shall become what He intends for me?
Poems My Way Valrie 07/20/2011
Guide me!
Time to shower and get on with the day!
Hi there Valrie, I hope you feel better! HUGS and prayers!