I hope you enjoy my blog...please honor copyrights!

I hope you enjoy my blog...please honor copyrights!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Godd morning and God Bless you.

Here is the scoop on what's new and interesting in my life. I started a campaign for COOKIES for US TROOPS. I have a son and 2 nephews serving overseas in the Marines (my son Joey) and Ken and Andrew are in the Army. I know many of you too must have loved ones serving in this war. In acts of Peace and kindness
I am hoping to send a minimum of 50 boxes out by the end of August.

Please help me out and visit the blog and join in the fun! We are baking PINK sugar cookies for the month of August and peanut brittle too. Other items needd are books (paperbacks) journals, pens and pencils, etc.

Please pray for all our loved ones and that God brings them home soon.

As the angels watch over our men and women, please pray for Joey and my nephews.

Lance Corporal US Marine Joseph the night of his deployment to Afghanistan.

Have a wonderful Sunday!



  1. Hello!
    Love your blog- and thank you so much for all your kind words. Pink Saturday has been so much fun and everyone has been so sweet!
    Your young men will be in my prayers...thank your son and nephews for their service...and thank you for yours as well. May you all be surrounded and kept safe by angels until this all comes to pass.
    Blessings and Hugs-Tete

  2. Beautiful pink scoop! Also, praying to all your love ones for their safety. Have a nice Sunday!

  3. HI Valrie
    it must be difficult to have friends and relatives OS in a war zone.. I know we have some troops there from Australia... Best wishes for your son and nephews... and also good luck with your endeavours..

    Oh you asked about what program I use for overlay.. actually I don't have one at present and am just using my camera editor.. Canon.. therefore it doesn't actually use layers but does let you apply a script.. but it is a big pain.. hahaha

    Ok.. take care and thanks for popping by my way.. xx Julie


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