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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I Remember When

Today marks the 11th anniversary of my first husband's death.  Joe was only 48. We miss him dearly.
In life we have many joys as well as losses.  It was always a roller coaster ride, in the end we were friends, yet how does one ever really say goodbye? I live with ambivalent feelings and will always ask myself that big What if...? Yet still, I do remember more the happy times than the sad. Joe we have two amazing children. Our Jenni is so beautiful, and smart, a vet tech and studying on to be a veterinarian ,oh the places she will go... and our little Joey, a former Marine, married, has your smile and winning personality, is about to become a dad, your legacy goes on in another generation to be blessed with twins. WE love you and miss you, and one day we will see you in Heaven.

I wrote this poem as personal remembrance.

                 I Remember When

I remember the first time I saw your smile ~
I remember the crazy days of yesteryear with you.
I remember our many first times for this or that.
I remember falling in love so deeply I thought my heart would explode!
I remember becoming your bride at only nineteen.
I remember the first time you held each child born.
I remember all the vacations we took and places traveled.
I remember I was your wife for 16 years.
I remember both the sad and happy moments we shared.
I remember the day you said you could not choose between two loves ~
I remember I loved you enough to set you free and the tears I cried.
I remember lovingly the special times we had that soon were gone.
I remember how difficult it was to hide your illness from the children.
I remember forgiving you and you forgiving me...
I remember trembling in fear at your bedside when I got to say goodbye.
I remember with a heavy heart the pain in our children's hearts and saddened lives.
I remember how although we grew a part we worked at staying friends.
I remember loving  you all your life even when things were difficult.
I remember most of all the gifts of our children you gave to me and.
I remember our promise and I will live it to my own end.

Poems My Way ~ Valrie 05/28/2013

Joe's smile could melt anyone's heart and he always could make you laugh...

 I am sending you a smile from earth Joe...                                                                                                 
Jenni and her special man...

                                                      Joey and his beautiful wife Laura!

                                                              Thanks for stopping by today.



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