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I hope you enjoy my blog...please honor copyrights!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Blessing Garden of Friendship


A Blessing Garden of Friendship 

Each of us is a blessing to someone that we know

For God has given us as a friend to help them grow.

As we receive this gift from God,  remember to pass it on

Who do you know that might be blessed anon?

The beauty of friendship is  like a garden's

Splendid array of blossoms; as the sun glistens

We shine light and hope upon one another

Cherished love for sisters and brothers...

How do you tend the garden that you have sown,

Is it cultivated daily, how great has yours grown?

Like the haughty weed, a dandelion's strength

Does yours withstand the plights, to what length?

Are you a fair weather blessing or there in need?

Or do you collect your bouquet in greed?

What variety of blessings are in your life ~

Some that bless and others cause strife?

Perhaps my friend your memory lapsed, 

The blessings you once received and clasped

Or bound them among your prized collections,

Forgetting to share and tender them with affection.

A blessing unto one another, should not for granted

Taken be, cherish each, a priceless gift received.

Shine light  upon the lives of those you reach

And never boundaries of friendship breach. 

Poems My Way ~ Valrie 07/18/2013
Poems My Way ~ Valrie 07/18/2013
My life has been so busy and action packed of late...It's a blessing and yet too, causes stress to a certain degree. But, mom always said to me, "Valrie Ann, idle hands are the Devil's worship, so do not an idler be..." I believe I owe it all to mom for my constant need to be busy and active. Indeed my hubby (Mark) still has not gotten accustomed to how much I can multitask at the same time... and I am not talking about reading a book, and chewing gum, while talking on the phone... for example, I have FB up, 2 scholastic forums I contribute to professionally,  yahoo messenger, 3email accounts, building my website for my new business, a "goassociatego' website for training,  this blog, my smartphone on speaker and chatting through texting....oh, and there is a load of laundry on, a cake in the oven and tonight's dinner cooking in the crock pot....did I say I woke up late today at A5:45 AM and it's only 7:30AM now...You should see the rest of my day's schedule!
God created everything, great or small and each has beauty in its own way... wouldn't you agree? You all know I love butterflies...
This is so beautiful I just had to share...I found it in Google Chrome search, and it comes from http://melavilaalarilla.blogspot.com
It is so easy to forget that God is always there for us, but remember God does care and He has our back!
God never gives us more than we can handle right? Well, let's endeavor to see the hardships we face as God's test of our strength and ability to accept the challenges He gives us... each makes us stronger and more convicted to our Faith..
We must hold fast to our Faith and turn it over to God, He is in control... let go and let God!
When the going gets tough we need to get God back in our lives and be in thoughtful prayer and reflection...
Our praises we shall sing unto the Lord, for God is good, and all the time... God is good!
Each blessing God has bestowed upon us, great or small is purposeful and should all be cherished and held in highest regard.
What are your blessings? Have you shared them with others, thanking God each day for bringing you the many gifts you have received?
I have been blessed with 2 beautiful children, my daugther Jenni, my first born, is 29 and an awesome amazing woman. She lives in Texas and it is a blessing to have her in my life. This is Jenni and her S.O. Mikey at her recent college graduation in TX!

God also blessed me with Joey, and amazing son, who is about to be a father for the first time with his beautiful and glowing wife Laura...the twin grandbabies are due July 29th!

I have been blessed to have a husband now who cherishes me, loves me, and is by my side, he takes care of me, holds me and hugs me, and is my best friend. We are still newlyweds... 1 year 7 months and 3 days as of 12 noon today...

A weekend at the harbor... Old Towne Alexandria, VA.

And there are never enough thanks for my CAT CARMEL, who blew in one day in August 2010 and has been my constant companion...

God has also given me a garden of friends to tender with love and nurture and grow in my faith and of course He blessed me with all my blogger friends...there are many more blessings I might share, but the list is never ending...

Take time to reflect on your blessings, grow your garden of friendships and cherish each day, for tomorrow is not a given...

Remember God loves YOU!

Have a wonderful day... time to get to work! Thanks for stopping by today and may your day e filled with God's Blessings!




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