I hope you enjoy my blog...please honor copyrights!

I hope you enjoy my blog...please honor copyrights!


Please send me your email, the name, address, and unit number of who you woukd like cans of cookies or letters sent to.

Just copy this and return to me via email here:

Your Name

Your email

Your Blog

Soldier name

Soldier unit name

Address to where cans or letters should go

I am interested in sending cookies Y ___ or N ___

I am interested in sending letters Y ___ or N ___

THank you for joining this loving event which lasts a year long! It is never to late to join, one time or ongoing, we need to do our part to support our troops!

Other items needed:

coffee cans or pringle cans to send cookies in:

Mail them here:

Valrie A. Verhoeven
19 Glen Ave Apt 5
Cooperstown, NY 13326

Please email me: poemsmyway@yahoo.com (poems my way (@yahoo.com) to let you know you are shipping them and how many...

Bless you for joining in this loving event!

Be sure to grab the cookie star on my post and add it to your side bars with a link to this page!

Here's the URL for this post, copy and paste as a link under the cookies star button on your side bars!


BIG HUGS from me to you for our stars and stripes troops!

Soldier Name