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I hope you enjoy my blog...please honor copyrights!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

A long time past...St Valentine's To The Loves of My Life...

Where do I start? I posted that Mark passed away 10/10/214 at 3:03PM and I guided him to OUR Lord and Savior His soul soared through the opened windows and was guided by my voice to the white lights which are Heaven's Angels' glow drawing Mark ever nearer  and closer God to Thee. He serves God's Army now.

Here is one of My Tribute poems to The Love of My Life...

Life is Love

Life is all about LOVE...
Lead a purpose driven life
To find what drives you...
What is your passion?
Who ignites the flames of your heart?
Who sets your soul and heart on fire?
He, she or it should drive your inner being -
It drives the passion locked within your heart.
Its beats are the rhythm of your life -
You rise and shine each day, you end
With the passionate soul on your mind...
He or she must be the one who drives
Your desires, assists you and allows you
To dare to DREAM passionately!
Equally so, he is the one who also guides
You closer and nearer drawn to God.
Spiritually he  is your guide,  the helm of your Faith!
He loves you as himself, as his neighbor and as he loves His God...
The best expression of love is the time you spend with someone,
The quality of the time, the tender moments, perhaps mere seconds,
Yet these memories dance within your heart and soul eternally.
The time spent doing what each other likes to do, even if you
Would rather be doing something else, is not a sacrifice...
It is an intentional expression of the love that burns within your hearts -
Never forgotten, locked deep within and always a memory in time, alive!
Express your love daily to your beloved, for there is no guarantee
Of a tomorrow, today is the only true cash and love deposit in your love bank of life!
Spend your time wisely, yesterday is a cancelled check,
Tomorrow, only a promissory note, make the choice intentional to be there!
LOVE transcends all times into eternity, perhaps a different form ethereal, but real!
Balance your life and your time spent with those you love, too much in one area
Nullifies the importance one should emulate for family, husband, wife,
Significant others, parents, children, grandchildren, friends and love of GOD!
Spending time with each is the greatest gift you have to give an expression of true love!
Lead a Godly life and encourage your loved ones to also...divinity equals eternity -
Unto yours and God's purpose, grow your garden and tend it well.
Nurture your Love of your life, your passion within, your garden, your fruit of your loins...
To attend with passion and intentional time is to illustrate the depth of your love -
Genuine, sincere, and real...lay down a path in The Garden of Love that leads
You and your loved ones to the Life Eternal, without nurturing, what garden grows?
Each day your love deepens, solidifies and holds fast to the heart and soul of your beloved...
Instill this in the fruit you bear, attend to them as God would have you build a Kingdom
Filled with Love of Life, family, self and of course Love of God and humanity.
Without intentional time invested, your love nor garden and purpose in LIFE
Will not grow, rather the embers die out and dissipate, forlorn and forgotten...
Never, were you my Love of my life, stingy with your time with me, your desire for more
Time with your children went unheard, and broken-hearted it consumed you, my Love
You bare no blame or fault, their choices are their own...in our hearts we know you loved
Greatly and deeply those dear, and tenderly held in the clasps of your strong arms.
I many a night laid and  cried with you, for blessings and healing from above..
You are healed now and once again whole.. you are an ANGEL in GOD'S ARMY...
Your legacy lives on, in my heart and my soul and my memories, you will be alive
Eternally with God and with me, and the day I join you and God...
Will be a glorious reunion of souls, sister and brother in Christ stewards and leaders...
I pour out my heart to you my LOVE, Mark Angel,  my heart remains open only to you...
With the gift of pure true and one and only Love of My Life, you shared a dream with me..
I will live on filled with your  love and the purpose of that dream...freely I choose...
You fulfiledl the destiny God holds and bestows upon me...I am a prayer warrior.
I am  charged with the task of bearing the cross laid down in life for me and shall
Gladly pick it up and carry it unto my day of reckoning and deliverance to God!
Each of us is blessed with a God-given talent, and gifts in our lives to utilize...
You were such a gift to me from God, you nurtured me in my time of need my
Sweet WHITE NIGHT and now guardian Mark Angel, I shall continue to live on...
I will spread my wings and fly, and dare to dream big dreams and go where God
Guides me, strengthened by the knowledge that I was and am still loved, by you
And by God. My destiny awaits, you are there, once here and always with me,
I draw from you the courage, the will to fight each day to breathe, to push on,
To prove I am worthy of being loved, of use to many, all they need is to ask -
To see me as the woman you saw in me, happy, joyful, spunky, determined
Passionate about life and love, forgiving, and caring, driven by destiny!
I will become the tool of Christ, tend His garden well and build His Kingdom.
I live filled with the memories you gave me of what it feels like to be loved
Unconditionally, in little ways and gentle tender moments, intimate with just a gleam
Or smile on your face... to you, My Love of My Life, I dedicate this poem.
Happy First St. Valentine's Day in Heaven...To Mark Angel, The Love of My Life!

Poems My Way - Valrie 02/14/2015

I love you, now, yesterday, tomorrow and forever! Happy St. Valentine's Day I hope the tulips arrived today To The Love Of My Life....Valrie Verhoeven Hefty 02/14/2105

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