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Sunday, June 30, 2013

You Are My Wings

Every now and then a person enters your life who touches your very soul,
who comforts you in times of need, who listens to your fears, concerns,
and even lets you vent, unconditionally accepting of the person you are,
and gently guides you to the person you want to be...
this poem is dedicated to such a friend...
You Are My Wings

On the wings of your friendship, as gentle as a butterfly

I lay my sorrows, my fears, and share my joys, hopes and dreams.

Once fallen and defeated your loving kind heart

Spoke to mine and a friendship blossomed rapidly.

How rare a treasure held close to one’s heart revered,

Cherished, and gently nurtured with God’s teachings.

With you, His disciple, at my side, I came to know God

In a different light, no longer with Him did I fight.

A battle won or lost is of no meaning if it is not ordained

And sanctioned by God’s design, this too you brought to mind…

Of all the qualities I love the most, ‘tis that you do not judge.

Nor do you control, rather you strive to guide and nurture…

Albeit you are far more versed than I, and God I know is at your side,

It is of my own accord to discern the path to take, afraid

No longer, I dare to step outside my realm of comfort

As I search for answers, on my lifelong journey with God,

I know in my heart now, that I am never alone, God is with me.

There are few people, who will touch your heart, and soul,

Who leave a positive and loving impact behind, yet you friend, are one.

I take time and pause today for God placing you in my life,

A friend who is there through thick and thin, from the beginning

Accepting me for who I am and one who will be there in the end.

Poems My Way ~  Valrie 06/30/2013
Dedicated to a very special pastoral friend of mine... Tom Norris
Had a very special day yesterday, we went to a music worship concert at George Mason University, the Hylton Performing Arts Center. I met up with a friend from high school who also moved down here in VA, and his lovely wife and 3 of his six daughters, he invited my husband and I to attend the concert. It was called "WORSHIP NOW." Rusell Fragar is the artist along with his music ministry team. It was the most amazing concert I have ever been to.  Get your copy download at
Church at Chapel Springs, Assembly of God also took my breath away today. We just finished a 5 week series on "Run to Win." It is available on live stream video at http://chapelsprings.org  it will change your life.

Church this morning concluded the 5 week series on "Run to Win," awe inspiring and an encouraging path on how to the run the marathon of your life... with God...Chapel Springs, Assembly of God... live stream video broadcasts... I guarantee ...watching it will change your life forever. I cried today when the video came on of the marathon sprinter and 400 meter race in Barcelona, Spain, the runner fell and his dad raced down from the stands and literally held his on on his shoulder and helped him finish the race... he didn't win, but he finished, and that is the parallel to real life.. with God as our Father, we can and will run to win, for He is beside us every step of the way. The final yards he ran on his own, and finished the race... are you running to win in the race in your race with God for eternal life? Will you finish what you started and more importantly... how will you finish? Again the link is: http://www.chapelsprings.org/  TUNE in all July for a marriage series!
Have a wonderful Sunday and thank you for stopping by!
Did you know that a butterfly is a symbol of rebirth?
"For me and my house serve the Lord..."

Go forth and spread your wings in Christian friendship!


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